Birthday Update

So today is my birthday and, to celebrate, I will give you all the present of a new update for The Frydarian Tale! Think of it like another Christmas.

Things added:

  • A snazzy new N-Type Studios splash screen has been added; now, just like Impulsehazard, everyone will know who made the game
  • Environments such as DarkWood Forest and the Tri-Peak Mountains now have decorations to make the world look a little more alive (there is a great sense of irony in the case of the Tri-Peak Mountains)
  • Alois Ratatosky and Balthazar Lux now have walking animations and will slow down when near Fygoon
  • New skybox materials have been added to make Frydar Island look a bit less like a bunch of self-contained islands and more like a single piece of land without rendering the entire island and making the game run at a proud one frame every 10 seconds
  • The Jet Sled in the Tri-Peak Mountains now throws up snow whenever the Sled moves at a great speed while on the ground
  • Secret items have been placed in the Tri-Peak Mountains
  • A wooden sword graphic has been added when in the Training Hall

Things fixed and modified:

  • A terrible programming oversight that caused the game to end at the Jet Sled section has been fixed; this is due to the logic used to detect whether or not at least one of the Golems of the Tri-Peak Mountains have reached the end simply checks if their velocity equals to zero, which, or course, causes the game to become unplayable
  • A nasty save error that caused players to lose the Fire-Breath Technique Scroll, a required power-up to progress, has been found and squashed
  • The handling of the Jet Sled has been improved greatly; now instead of the Jet Sled slowly creeping to full speed, you can now make Fygoon put the pedal to the metal and make those Golems eat your dust
  • Unfortunately for Fygoon and company, the Golems also, by mastering the force of gravity, slowly speed up to keep tensions high
  • The blizzard in the IceThorn Wastes section of the Tri-Peak Mountains now moves around to disorient players
  • Ratatosky's AI has been modified to, hopefully, make him a less grudge-filled rodent

Things left to do:

  • Finish the script
  • Make cutscenes
  • Find and squash more bugs
  • Unleash the final game

Files 357 MB
99 days ago

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